YouTube Fanfest : The Review

Saturday eveningΒ  united a large and excitable bunch of Mumbai teens at the BandraΒ Amphitheater, for India’s first andΒ hugely anticipated Youtube Fan Fest. For those of you who don’t already know, the YTFF i...

Some Skream Education

Skream's back for a solo gig in Mumbai this Sunday, as a part of the first edition of Oji's Right Click. Last year, he and his Dubstep contemporary Benga literally blew the roof off Sitara Studio, with an absol...

Parody DJ robot article trolls EDM fans

A parody article on robot DJs earned itself some major lulz as well as some major shade from the more naive EDM fans. AnΒ obviously satirical article by edmnightlife, β€˜Robot DJ Used by Nightclub Replaces Resi...

Sherpagram : Ragasthan ’14

Here are some fantastic Β pictures and moments captured on Instagram, that will make you wish you attended Ragasthan 2014. Khuri Dunes and a dragon fly. A lone tree and a desert sunrise. Β  Tha...