Benefits of Cash-Out Refinancing

Typically the difference is a larger amount of money than what you were paying on your mortgage. You can use the difference to pay down debt, home repairs or any other personal financial needs you may have. ...

HR Predictions and Trends for 2021

The last year has changed how we think about work and travel immensely, among all the other aspects of life. COVID-19 effectively upended how the world works, and led to people having to adjust to a β€˜new norma...

How Gen Z Is Doing Weddings Differently

While millennial couples are in no hurry to walk down the aisle, Gen Z is ready to get hitched. In fact, almost 90 percent of them plan to get married one day. For a long time, Generation Z has been seen as th...


To owners of smaller businesses and startups, influencer marketing is starting to look like a nebulous and over-hyped concept which is – possibly deservedly - becoming more controversial. "Influencer lists"...