Even though we are living through times of global pandemic and restrictions, it does not mean that our volunteering and internship opportunities became fewer. Without a doubt, we may not be able to travel during Covid-19, yet an increased use of technology, remote conferencing, and global cooperation reveal new opportunities for students that can become a great addition to anyone’s resume. Regardless of your major, it is always possible to pursue another challenging field and make a positive difference as you learn remotely and make plans for the future when the restrictions are finally lifted.

Street Children Project in New Delhi, India

While this particular volunteering project may not include traveling these days, one can participate in a research project related to Nutrition, Shelter, and Education. Since we are dealing with over 100 million street children and their lack of basic needs, participation in remote teaching and the creation of educational materials can be an option. The same relates to internships in this field. If you cannot find competitive ideas, consider checking the best website to buy a research paper. Remember that you can write a reflection research project based on your volunteering experience even if it is done remotely.

Medical Internship in Nepal.

Another interesting combination of both volunteering and internship work is the medical internship in Nepal. if you are a pre-med or a medical student, you can work remotely or travel to the Himalayan nation by working at the local hospital or a healthcare clinic. Starting from shadowing the professionals to vaccination studies, you can work based on your first-hand experience and skills. If you require additional help, it is always good to consult a research paper service to ensure that you meet every deadline and keep your assignments accurate. Do not forget that every internship will require a lot of writing, which is why you must keep your writing original. 

Wildlife & Conservation Project, Port Elizabeth, South Africa

It is one of the best volunteering and research project opportunities for those who would like to study wildlife. Even though we cannot travel yet, it is high time to join this project to learn about this volunteering opportunity. You will also cooperate with a personal coordinator and a mentor, which is why you should start booking early. As a rule, you must provide a recommendation letter and resume. If you need to find inspiration and see the recommended writing styles for such academic purposes, WritingUniverse will help you with your basic needs. After all, the more information you provide as you apply, the higher are your chances to improve your academic position.

The Sports Coaching Program in Ghana

If you are a college athlete and would like to expand your skills by helping the little ones learn about football and the rules, this particular program is quite unique as you will be able to practice your skills and assist the local coaches. While we are living through limitations, it is still possible to host a video conference of the lessons for the little ones and inspire the children by watching them train remotely.

UN Volunteering.

You can have an internship at one of the UN programs. It can be anything from Education to Political Science and Law. The current deadline is 16 May 2021, yet some programs are starting this fall. While it is one of the most demanding internship and volunteering sectors, it is also one of the most prestigious projects.

Choosing Your Internships

This part often seems tricky for college students as they either have a myriad of various internship options or almost none at all, especially when they are aiming for something specific. The trick is to see the benefits and financial support of an internship that you want to choose. See those companies that provide you with a test week or month to let you see how their professional sector functions. This way you can always make the right choice.


Michael loves exploring various fields of science as he combines education, linguistics, and technology. His posts offer interesting solutions and ideas that help people think outside the box. Follow Michael to learn and find inspiration.