Never let your lack of musical training be a hurdle ever again! Play along to your favourite song with these instruments in no time!

Quite often, many of us end up wishing we could play an instrument. Either to strum our favourite song, impress someone or just to master another skill. It can be challenging to dedicate enough time to learn and then also invest in the instruments or equipments required. We get that and we just want to share the joy of making music with these one-time investment instruments that will allow you to make seamless music in no time!

1.Β  The ONE Smart Piano

The ONE Smart PianoΒ is the answer to all your woes about learning the piano. The instrument goes one step further to actually also teach you to play. All you need is an iPad with the app on it and their vast bank of songs let you learn and play any song you would. You could also opt for the grand piano version with 88 keys and foot pedals.

2. Populele U1

The Populele is the perfect gift for the person you love or even a good friend. The smart instrument makes learning and playing the Ukelele much easier. The Populele is chargeable and connects to an iPad or any smart device via bluetooth. The app allows you to pick a song,Β whereasΒ LEDs along the neck of the uke, guide you to play along the notes. Game Mode also allows you to learn chords and notes through their exercises.

3.Β Phonotonic

The Phonotonic could be the change we’ve been waiting for in terms of music making. The device has sensors that translate your movements into rhythm and beats. The app is compatible with iOS and Android devices, and once you are done creating your music, you can also share it on social media.

4.Β Popsical Karaoke


The Popsical Karaoke is a pocket-sized karaoke machine that connects with your TV to play like a real karaoke only more stylish and easy to carry. Just install the app on your phone, pick your jam and croon away on the wireless mic just like you would with a regular karaoke machine.Β 

5.Β MI Guitar

The MI Guitar is designed like a regular guitar only just easier to play and the perfect bonfire accompaniment! TheΒ Magic Instruments mobile app comes with an extensive bank of songs and guides you along to which button needs to be pressed to play the song. Now get rocking within minutes with this instrument!