‘One World by the People of Tomorrow’ – one man’s vision to bring people together through art and expression.

Watch this really short yet poignant clipping before you proceed:

Belgian conceptual artist and visionary Arne Quinze, along with Tomorrowland and De Schorre, will be building a unique public art installation – a bridge – with messages from people across the globe. What an incredible way to unite the world!

EACH OF YOU are invited to contribute to this spectacular artwork!


A conceptual artist who creates state-of-the-art sculptures, drawings and paintings.

Currently living in: Sint Martens Latem near Ghent, Belgium.

Best known for: his unconventional and controversial public art installations and trademark sculptures made out of wooden planks.

Popular installations:

Uchronia: A message for the future – Burning Man, Nevada (2006)



Cityscape – Brussels, Belgium (2007)



The Sequence – Brussels, Belgium (2008)



Rebirth – Paris, France, 2008

rebirth paris


The Visitor – Lebanon, 2009



Quinze is now inspired by the sculpture of Winged Victory of Samothrace and invites each one of us from around the world to be a part of this extraordinary project. Partial financing of the bridge will be done via crowd-funding. The entire construction process of the bridge is going to be filmed and recorded, so people can view the progress on the website.

The aim is to construct an installation with 210,000 positive messages and inspirational notes from all corners of the world. Several artists and DJs have already signed up for it! And hey, since setting world records is the trend, here’s another one! This is going to be the largest number of people involved in the creation of a single art installation!


If you want your message eternally ingrained on that bridge, log on to www.peopleoftomorrow.com

The bridge will be inaugurated in June 2014.

Now watch that video again. It will all make sense. 🙂