Josh Hutcherson shares how he spent his weekend at Bonnaroo without being spotted.

Josh Hutcherson was recently the guest on Coanan O’Brien‘s talk show. There The Hunger Games actor revealed that he was one of the attendees at the Bonnaroo Music & Arts Festival. Usually when actors, especially those as appealing to fangirls (and boys) as Josh Hutcherson go to music festivals, the internet is flooded with selfies and “here’s-what-he/she-wore” pictures.

But Hutcherson shares with Conan in the video below how he successfully avoided all that with a few handy tips (not).

Well, now we know that Josh Hutcherson is as adorable as he is cheeky.

He does knead to step up his game as Peeta, dough. (See what we did there?)


PS: Sorry for the bread puns.