After recent mishaps at HARD Summer, Live Nation has cancelled HARD’s Fairplex festival and made some definite changes for upcoming events & festivals.

Live Nation just announced the cancellation of A Night At Fairplex, one of HARD’s EDM festival events. The announcement allegedly came straight from the office of the Los Angeles County Supervisor in wake of the deaths of teenagers Tracy Nguyen and Katie Dix at the Hard Summer Festival earlier this month.

Tracy Nguyen (left) and Katie Dix/

Tracy Nguyen (left) and Katie Dix/

Not just that, several massive restrictions are to be implemented on HARD events, hereon out. The first being that Live Nation and HARD will “cap attendance at 40,000, bar people under 21 years old, and reduce the hours” of the festival, which saw over 65,000 attendees previously.

Also, with reference to security at the festivals, the organizers “will step up its security, its medical services and the amount of free water available. Live Nation is also required to produce and distribute drug education at the festival.”



In a statement to YourEDM, here’s what Live Nation had to say:

“Festival organizers and promoters are pleased to have worked quickly with the County Supervisors in order to complete the County’s inquiry and bring about the agreed upon modifications to our operations for HARD Day of the Dead at Fairplex, which will further our fans to have a safe and fun time.”

Stay tuned to The Sherp for more news.