First-time Burners, Katy Perry just summarised your experience in a nutshell with this video.

Katy Perry is definitely having a blast at Burning Man, but no one can accuse her of not having a sense of humour. In a video she posted on Instagram yesterday, she can be seen all covered up in a beige fur coat, a tiny black backpack, goggles and a handkerchief over her mouth. She only just gets the hang of riding her Segway, grooving to the music, when it slips away from her and she has to run chasing it into the sunset.

“Obvious first time burner alert”, she captions the funny video. Take a look:

Burning Man has been on Katy’s mind for quite some time now, and last August, she tweeted “Wish I was at burning man getting all counter cultured out right now.” This time, she was one of tens of thousands who flock to Black Rock City every year, a temporary metropolis dedicated to community, art, self-expression, and self-reliance.

Will Smith was also spotted segway-dancing at Burning Man last year, and was perhaps more successful than Katy Perry. Watch the video and more from last year, HERE.

With this year’s spectacular edition drawing to a close, stay tuned for more highlights and news.