The second half of the caves and cliffs update or the 1.18 update is still in development and we won’t be getting it till the end of the year. So we decided to bring the best Mountain generation seeds on Minecraft Bedrock.

Fortunately, we have the experimental gameplay feature in the bedrock edition of the game which when turned on will let us experience the glory of the new update! Until then, you can play Black Ops with the best and undetected Cold War hacks and become a pro at it. Β 

This blog contains the best seeds for bedrock edition which showcase the amazing mountain generation. Keep in mind, when creating a new world with these seeds, make sure you turn on the experimental option. With that being said, let’s dive into it!

Mountain generation seeds on Minecraft Bedrock

Mountain generation seeds on Minecraft Bedrock

Fantasy Mountains!

Seed – 1152561380

Coordinates – -1516 243 -712

The mountains in this seed look straight out of a fantasy movie, that’s how great they are. The mountains create a backdrop for the village in front of it, just imagine living in such a mystical place. It is undoubtedly one of the best Mountain generation seeds on Minecraft Bedrock

Mountain generation seeds on Minecraft Bedrock

Solitude is peace!

Seed – 913480200

Coordinates – 496 170 -276

The island in this seed is situated in the middle of the ocean surrounded by a messa and ice spikes biomes, also is near a mushroom island. What else could you want!

Mountain generation seeds on Minecraft Bedrock

Tall peaks!

Seed – 1234668181

Coordinates – 883 65 -456

The mountain is one of the tallest you’ll find in the update. The mountain is surrounded by plains biomes and stands tall with a single peak, a perfect place for creating a castle. A perfect example of the Mountain generation seeds on Minecraft Bedrock.

Recommended – Minecraft 1.19 Update will be the End Update, Confirmed!