Want to go for a music festival but lack the funds? Take a look at these handy tips that will help you save some cash for your next festival adventure. 

The Sherp has mused about this before, music festivals are the holy grail of the millennial and the post-millennial generations, since the beginning of the Woodstock era back in ’69. Students are a substantial part of paper writing service of the demographic of music festivals, making up almost one-third of the crowd. Whether these students are supported by a scholarship or their families – students, with their college tuition and part-time jobs, are generally on a budget. If you’re a tiny part of the sea of relatively broke students, take a look at some of these tips that may help you save some money for your next music festival.

1. Set a monthly limit.

The easiest way to spend too much money is by not keeping count of it. You keep using your card for dinners, probably shopping online, or that one drink that soon turns into three, not really absorbing how it impacts your monthly – shall we say – expenditure. The next thing you know, your monthly stipend/pocket money is gone. Starting now, create a reasonable limit for yourself. Calculate how much you will be spending per day, per week, and eventually, per month. And don’t forget the bottom line – stick to it. If your memory isn’t the most reliable tool, take a look at apps like Expense Manager, that will help you keep track of how much you spend.


(Source: a2womensgroup.org)

2. Don’t compromise on your health; learn to cook.

We’ve touched upon this subject before, when we learned about Sophomore Kendall Noel, a regular festival-goer, doesn’t mind eating cheap food if it helps him afford summer music 
festivals. Noel works through the year to help him pay for festival tickets, which are the highlights of his summer. While this sort of commitment is admirable, it’s a little too extreme to have to survive on ramen noodles, basically starving yourself and depriving your body of basic nutrients. While it may not be as cheap as ramen noodles, consider buying basic groceries and learning to cook simple dishes yourself. It will cost much less that getting takeout everyday or eating out.

(Source: foodcartfest.com)

3. Volunteer for the coveted festival.

The Sherp has discussed the benefits of volunteering for music festivals. Being a part of the crew is almost always a guarantee to a free festival pass. For that amazing lineup of music you don’t want to miss, you will be expected to contribute to the festival with some work, and we think that’s a fair deal as it is. Plus, the crew usually gets put up at the cost of the organizing company, and is usually cared for with food as well. So, it’s as good as the cheapest festival experience you will ever have. If you live in India, festivals like Bacardi NH7 Weekender is always looking for students to sign up for their The Loudest Crew initiative, and help with the festival preparations. If you don’t find volunteer positions at festivals directly, try volunteering with travel companies that are affiliated with festivals, like White Collar Hippie, for example.

(Source: Kristy Milliken/kayafestival.com)

4. Get a part-time gig.

While part-time jobs for students aren’t the most glamorous or particularly well-paying, they do help save some extra cash. If you live in the States, it’s easy to find a job at a nearby cafe and the like, to get you by. The same cannot be said about India. It’s harder to find a decent part-time job if you lack a degree and time, but it’s not impossible. For starters, check out paid internships that accept students. There are loads of them, you can sign up at Let’s Intern if you need help finding one. Another thing you can look into is a job based on commissions. Many brands and stores that need marketing hire students to market and sell their products in colleges and beyond. Brands like Red Bull and The Souled Store have been known to employ students on a part-time basis for this.


(Source: teentimes.com)

5. Sell stuff you don’t need anymore. 

You know that pile of stuff you never use? Time to get rid of it. Whether it involves your video games, DVDs or books, there are always places looking to sell some second-hand stuff. If you have electronics you don’t need anymore, that’s even better. It may not get you an insane amount of money in one go, but if you periodically sell some of your old belongings – the ones you don’t need anymore, please don’t go around selling your clothes or current cell phone – you may conjure some substantial amount of money to add to your festival fund. This is a great opportunity for CD and book owners, there are always people looking to buy those two things. You can choose to sell your things to a second-hand store near you, or put it up on eBay or OLX, your call.


(Source: reinventionofnormal.com)

6. Sell your skill. 

The great thing about being young in today’s day and age is that everything is accessible to everyone, making it easy to market your skills to the right audience. If you’re a particularly good writer, photographer, artist, or even really good at math, make it count. Apply to places where you can use this skill to get paid. For example, there are many websites that pay per word/article to have essays and features written. Display your writing prowess by applying to these places, or check out this list that overviews all the places that pay for articles. (You could also just apply for Festival Sherpa at thesherp@festival.com. Ahem.) Also, festivals are constantly looking to have their events immortalized in pictures. If you’re handy with the camera, volunteer as a photographer at the festival, and save yourself money you would have spent on the pass. There are many ways to do this, folks. We hope you were inspired to save some money!

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(Source: dudelol.com)

7. Sell your kidney.

We’re messing with you. Don’t do that. Seriously.


(Source: giphy.com)