High levels of ecstacy were found in soil and rivers in the Taiwan region during the Spring Scream festival 


We all know music festivals can leave a scarring impact on the festival grounds where they’re held – and it takes tonnes of effort to make the festival venue spic and span after it’s just ended. In a shocking revelation in a study published this past Wednesday in the journal Environmental Science & Technology, these events could be introducing dangerous drugs like ecstasy and ketamine into the water supply, leaving traces of them in rivers and soil.


The original idea behind the study was to discover the contaminants plaguing the soil and rivers, but nobody expected ecstacy to pop up in the results. The Spring Scream Festival, an event that draws more than 600,000 young music fans to the beach town of Kenting, saw large spikes in drugs like ecstasy, ketamine and caffeine. What’s really interesting to read is about how these drugs manage to percolate into the eco-system. It clearly states how one-off events like these can affect the sewage and have many other hazardous consequences.


This study is a one-of-a-kind eye opener about the adverse effects of festivals towards nature, and read the entire in-depth study HERE.

(All Images Courtesy: Spring Scream Facebook)