The flamboyant festival saw over a few hundred arrests in San Bernadino County.
The electronic festival that was hosting its 21st year with headliners such as DJ Snake, Above & Beyond and Bassnecter, saw over 400 people being arrested over three days. On the first day itself 111 people were arrested on possession of drugs, being under the influence of drugs or alcohol, resisting arrests and assault. One person was also arrested for indecent exposure.

(Image Credits: Comic Vine)
Another six were arrested for being under the legal age limit for the festival while another drove under the influence of alcohol and ran into a Sheriff’s car. Luckily no one was injured there but two individuals had to be taken to the local hospital for medical reasons the same day.

(Image Credits: LA Times)
The event had many officials patrolling the venue with a few K-9 dogs and many undercover officers who were able to find the offenders and take them into custody.
We hope next year doesn’t turn into a law bending fiasco.