Obsession is a strong word.

But it makes complete sense for a few fanatics who know each and everything about their favourite musician, duo or band. These are the most important stages of the journey that leads to ultimate fandom.

1. Knowledge is Power

There will be a time when you had no idea why this girl from your friend circle is so obsessed with this funny sounding band. You’ll question her sanity as well as the bands and trust me, it’ll happen. I mean, who would willingly name themselves after something that sounds like an ancient occult! So after her annoying voice begins to shatter glass, you’re definitely put off and will forget this conversation ever took place.

(Credits: Giphy)

2. Curiosity Killed the Cat Or Just You

One day you’ll randomly be watching a music channel or browsing the internet when you come across the same band and that’s where your curiosity hits peak level. If they’re on the Top 20, why not just listen to one track? What’s the harm right?

(Credits: popkey.com)

3. The Song

This is where you reach the rabbit hole and fall in hard! This song will change everything you know about life. What were you doing before this? What was life even like three minutes back? How have you never heard this track before? Is the space landing really fake? Is this the real life, or is this just fantasy? (No joke this will be the stage where your parent looks at you and wonder if you need a shrink).

(Credits: Giphy)

4. All The Songs

Once you’ve heard the song you will play at your funeral, you will want more, much more than you have. You have to hear all the tracks possible on YouTube but it’s not enough. You find more via their fan page. You search every single possible nook and cranny of the Web to find out more and you’re rewarded with the discography.

(Credits: teen.com)

5. All The Albums

They’ve had three albums before the current one in the last few years and all you’ve done is complain about the fact that you can’t even cook an egg (we’re shaming you GOT style). You start listening to all the albums, EP’s, mixtapes, collaborations with other artists, covers, covers of covers; the list goes on. Finally you’ve reached the level of mastery and qualified enough to conduct an in-depth research paper on them.

(Credits: tumblr)

6. The Feels Are Real

Finally it’s the weekend. Unlike normal individuals who go out with friends or catch a new movie, you sit at home like the perfect hibernating bear and get super emo about the band. All the songs relate to you so well, even the one in which your pet Jude and how she should sing a sad song to make it better (shout out to you Mecca). You’re body can’t take this onslaught of emotions that you feel lonely and understood at the same time. Now you’ve found your calling in this thing called life.

(Credits: tumblr/happycrying)

7. Let The Stalking Begin

Now that you know all the lyrics by heart what do you do? Dig up information on all the members silly! You know all about the drummer’s wife, the bassist’s issues with drug abuse in the past, the lead singers abnormally good looks due to his Polish/Australian ancestral genes. You’ve become the person who they’d be terrified of if you ever met, assuming you don’t faint after finally seeing the lead fall in love with you at first sight (don’t judge, a girl can dream).

(Credits: pewdieandnothingelse)

8. Spread The Love

You’re friends now look at you weirdly because you’ve turned into the band’s minion but not the cute yellow kind. Now you’re the one looking like a member of the occult. Doesn’t it seem like a lifetime ago?! So now you’re on a mission to get others recruited, I mean addicted to this band. You have actual conversations with the weird girl who told you about it and now you’re BFFs. Time does fricking fly.

(Credits: wikia)

9. The Denial

Jokingly, and just jokingly, someone will comment on the fact that you seem a bit too inclined towards the band. It may be your mom, her friend, the distant relative in America or even the dog you see every single day on the way home. They’ve hit you with the truth so hard the only thing that’ll make sense is denying it. You do all in your power to prove them wrong and avoid bringing up that topic again.

(Credits: tumblr/snowsomemore)

10. The Acceptance

You go a whole day without listening, taking, thinking or breathing anything even closely related to the band. You feel sick, high strung, like a drug addict going through withdrawal symptoms when you’ve had enough. You face it, you’ve got an issue, you’ve been charged with being unhealthily involved in the lives of these people.

(Credits: tumblr/otp)

11. The Gratitude


(Credits: perezhilton.com)