The quiet little town of Twinsburg, Ohio is home to one of the most unique celebrations ever. TWINS!
Get ready to be very very confused. The town of Twinsburg, hosts an annual festival called “Twins Days” dedicated to the mystical creatures of the Earth, twins. The festival originated back in 1976 by founder Charles R. DeHaven. Twins Days happens to be the largest gathering of twins from all around the world. The two day event which takes place in August sees over 2000 pairs of multiples, triplets and quads from the United States as well as from other parts of the world.

The festival has its fair shares of traditions that are to be followed. Because it’s a celebration of identical twins, everyone is expected to dress identically.
The festival is inaugurated every year with a performance of the Star Spangled Banner and a parade that follows the performance of the national anthem. The festival picks out a common theme every year for attendees to take part in. This years theme being- Outer space! So you can expect pairs of Darth Vader, Storm troopers and Luke Skywalkers.

Credits: John Robinson

Credits: John Robinson

Credits: John Robinson
The festival also has a large range of fun events for everyone to take part in. There are sports events for twins right from volleyball and golf tournaments. For someone who isn’t exactly into sports, there are dance workshops, twins talent show. There are limitless food options to choose from to keep your belly full throughout the duration of the event. The festival closes out with a fabulous fireworks display!

Credits: Charles Robinson

Credits: Charles Robinson

Credits: Charles Robinson
The event is a visual treat. Anyone who is attending will see groups of twins just huddling up together randomly for someone who wants to take a picture. At the heart of it, it’s a well knit community who knows they are unique and takes pride in that fact! The Twins Days festival is happening from August 6-7 this year!