June has arrived and so has the time for America’s most special festival.  


The fifth edition of Electric Forest will return on June 25 – 28 2015 to the Sherwood Forest, Michigan. With gorgeous displays of lights, scenery and stages, the production value of the festival is on par with some of the best music festivals in the world. This has created a loyal and devoted fan base, whose passion for this festival knows no bounds. To thank those loyal fans who have attended previous installments of the festival, Electric Forest has created two different loyalty programmes that offer these guests a discounted opportunity to return to the Sherwood Forest for the 2015 celebration. You can buy them HERE.



Electric Forest will be welcoming two new stages this year. The festival art and production teams have been working all year in the utmost secrecy to bring you The Hangar and Jubilee. These very exciting additions must be experienced to be described. For now, check out the latest line-up below and the schedule HERE:

electric forest


The festival will attempt to break the record for the ‘World’s Largest Group Hug‘ this year which you can read more about HERE. In the meanwhile, check out the his five part post-event video series reliving some of the sights, sounds and memories from the Electric Forest 2014



(All Images Courtesy: Electric Forest Facebook Page)