Despite all the music that went down at Reading and Leeds, one incident led to quite the furor. It was when DJ Evian Christ was kept locked in by the Leeds security personnel.

The DJ, who’s most well known to have collaborated with Kanye West on his album Yeezus, had performed at Leeds Festival on the BBC Radio One Dance stage on Friday, and was due to perform at the Reading Festival on Saturday. It was after his Leeds set, that he was mistaken by the security to be a fan breaking into the festival. He was then taken into the festival custody premises where he live-tweeted his ordeal.

Pretty soon, the hashtag #freeevian began to be circulated around on twitter, with many of the producer’s supporters chiming in for his release. Very soon, his set at Reading Festival got cancelled, and Evian had much to say about his experience.

He uploaded a facebook post where he recounted the entire experience, ending it on a sour note about the festival –

i haven’t wanted to go into this much detail until now, because if the festival had emailed me a simple apology I would actually have happily played reading. but i’ve sent two detailed emails to the festival organisers since friday and have received no response. last night, however, festival owner melvin benn found a moment in his busy schedule of being an a top-class dickhead to claim via the NME that i was “intoxicated and refusing to identify myself”. even if that were true (it isn’t), there’s likely a better way to deal with that situation than to physically detain someone who isn’t actually legally under arrest for anything. so im sorry melv, you weren’t there mate, i was. i’d had a few drinks as i always do at a show (your festival provided them) but i was fine and your security staff removed the only form of identification given to me after i provided them with it. those in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones at a DJ they locked in a cage

as if this all wasn’t ridiculous enough, yesterday i discovered that reading festival – too busy to respond to my emails trying to sort the situation out – thought it would be funny to create a cage behind the stage i was supposed to play on, labelling it as my backstage area. personally i didn’t find this massively appropriate and overall i feel gutted to have had a terrible experience at a festival i attended twice as a kid and was really excited to play

we have big issues with regulation of police and private security services in the uk, nobody should be detained in a cage by an employer because they can’t find their car. didnt really want to go into this much detail publicly and im absolutely fine, but when you see defamatory quotes flying around you kinda have to say something. anyway have a nice week fuck leeds fest xo evian

We really hope that Reading and Leeds, festivals that otherwise boast of a sound reputation have appropriate replies to answer the DJ’s duress. And that this matter is resolved immediately with due respect.