Sherp Review: Sunburn B2B 2013

Last weekend Bombay saw its second edition of the Sunburn music festival, dubbed as Sunburn B2B. Featuring a flurry of immensely popular international and local talent, the festival achieved what it set to achi...

To Above & Beyond… With Love #3

Over the last two months, The Sherp has been interacting with some truly passionate fans of Above & Beyond from different parts of the world – fans who have ‘Pushed The Button’ at their various events, fans...

Sunburn B2B: Fashion Focus

Festival season has just kicked into full swing, and with it comes the best  and most creative festival fashion. Recently, at Sunburn B2B that took place over the weekend, The Sherp scouted and found the bes...

Peace One Day Festival

Amidst festival season, here comes another festival promoted purely for a social cause! In honour of World Peace Day,  the Peace One day Festival by Eventwala & MIMS will be held on the 23rd November, ex...

EVC Line-Up – Updated!

....this is it folks. The whole shiny list. Just 17 more days for EVC! Here is a line-up that will truly enchant you - the whole list of artists you've all been waiting for: Drumroll, please. Headli...

Zedd Officially Has Only One Shirt!

…according to Zedd himself! If you’ve been following Zedd on any social media platform, you sure as hell have noticed him wearing one particular red checkered shirt everywhere he goes. Or maybe he’s got a co...