The mad scientist of the music world!
Deadmau5 posted a video on YouTube revealing his new touchscreen software which has been developed with the help of software giant Microsoft. Deadmau5 has been using custom touch software before even iPads even existed, point of reference: Deadmau5 revealed a 100” prototype at the Veld Festival which blew the minds of everyone present there.
In this minute long video, Joel is seen test driving the software on huge screen where he is virtually setting up a MIDI pad, faders & knobs. The YouTube video description reads:
“Thanks to our partners over at Microsoft and their PPI team, our team were able to make some pretty righteous touch software that drives the OSC / Midi to… other … stuff. 😉 … it is still early in development, but were making great progress. Here’s a quick demo!”
No one knows when this software will be released but this shows that there are very few artists who understand audio technology as well Joel does. Knowing Joel, he will continue to tease us with glimpses at what he and his team at Microsoft have in store for us.
Check out the video below and keep an eye out for more details on this state-of-the-art equipment.