A lot of talk has gone into discussing the possible negatives that video games can have on individuals over the years; however, its potential benefits, especially in regards to mental health, often get overlooked. This article will cover some of the possible ways that gaming can be a fun and helpful asset in your life.
It Can Boost Your Mood
The possible addictive properties of gaming have been studied frequently and, for many people, video games can be an escape from their stress and worries that are occurring in their real lives.
Regardless of these potential consequences of gaming that don’t necessarily affect everyone, the fact of the matter is that playing games is an enjoyable hobby that brings a lot of people joy and it can be relaxing.
Additionally, although video games can elicit different moods and behaviors often in the same sitting, such as happiness and anger, there is also some evidence that shows that those who have these emotional changes while gaming may be able to regulate them better overall than those who do not play.
However, it’s important to note that if you or a loved one is having mood issues, video games are not the solution. Instead, it’s ideal to seek out professional help and try to learn how to determine therapy goals so that long-term improvements can be made.
It Facilitates Communication
A significant portion of video games today incorporate online play which depends on communication and teamwork to complete various tasks that the game throws at its players.
However, not only is talking important in many games for reaching goals, communication in video games helps people make friends, and some of these social connections can last a lifetime.
This can create a strong sense of belonging, which can help boost their self-esteem. Also, many games have large communities that open up discussion, which connects people further.
It Encourages Determination
Video games can be incredibly competitive, and while there is some research that shows that it can increase aggressive behavior, having a competitive spirit can be a very good thing for a lot of people.
Competition drives people to increase their skills, and it can also teach dedication, commitment, and discipline to improve, and possibly become the best. Esports is becoming a career path in a lot of players’ futures, but even if they don’t become professionals, these are still good life skills to develop because they can be applied anywhere in life.
For younger people especially, games can teach the meaning of working hard towards something by setting goals and trying to achieve them, which then goes back to mood and self-esteem benefits that gaming can have.
It Increases Your Cognitive Abilities
Another one of the most notable mental health benefits to playing video games is that it can help improve your ability to solve problems and increase your memory.
Video games have tasks that require different strategies to complete them and by doing so, it can enrich different skills, especially in regards to spatial cognition, or how people interact with and navigate within their surroundings.
These types of skills can be trained, and typically those who are very advanced players will typically have enhanced problem-solving abilities, which can not only give them an edge when playing, but also when it comes to learning and doing well at school and other activities.
Recommended: https://www.festivalsherpa.com/can-technology-help-solve-mental-health-problems/
Video games have plenty of tangible benefits, and hopefully, this article has shown you how they can be much more beneficial than what the media and other people have to say about it. Many young individuals have built their careers around being the best at their games, so they shouldn’t be written off completely, but even if you don’t have aspirations to be a professional gamer, you can still take advantage of the mood and social benefits that gaming has to offer and have a fun at the same time.
Authors Bio:
Marie Miguel has been a writing and research expert for nearly a decade, covering a variety of health- related topics. Currently, she is contributing to the expansion and growth of a free online mental health resource with BetterHelp.com. With an interest and dedication to addressing stigmas associated with mental health, she continues to specifically target subjects related to anxiety and depression.