Technology has helped change the world in so many ways, especially in regards to how people receive their information. Mental health is one of these topics that has gained some of the most awareness due to the various resources that are available online. This article will share with you some of the ways that people are able to receive solutions for mental health concerns through the advancement of technology over the years.

Information Research

As mentioned before, technological innovations like computers, smartphones, and of course, the internet, have greatly improved how people access and learn new information, and this includes mental health topics. Nowadays, there are countless websites out there that are geared towards covering the various conditions that affect millions of people around the world.

For example, someone might be experiencing certain symptoms and their research might point them in the right direction in helping them determine what the problem may be.

Similarly, if you think you have a certain condition but you are unsure, there are online assessments that will ask you a series of questions about these symptoms.

Keep in mind though, the internet isn’t intended to diagnose you, and this should be left to a doctor or mental health professional; however, getting a basic idea of the symptoms you’re struggling with and possible diagnoses can potentially be helpful when you try to articulate your concerns to the professional who is evaluating you.

Getting a formal diagnosis will be essential for getting the proper treatment you need, but this doesn’t mean that the internet can’t be a part of the journey in getting help.


Technology has also significantly changed how people receive mental health treatment, such as therapy.

The internet and devices, such as computers, smartphones, and tablets now allow us to connect to licensed professionals, making it easier than ever to get treatment.

In-person sessions will always have a place in the world, but online therapy offers a lot of benefits that people consider advantageous. For example, it’s very convenient, and it’s much more affordable, and there are more than one option out there and you can learn more about them through BetterHelp and this Talkspace review.

This allows more people to get help when and where they need it, and more and more people are talking to counselors and therapists from the comfort of their own homes.


Technology and all of the resources that it has to offer provides a way for mental health issues to be discussed openly amongst individuals and this leads to more people feeling encouraged to seek out assistance from professionals and receive treatment.

For example, there are numerous online forums that are centered around providing support for people with various mental health issues. Some are dedicated to a specific concern (i.e., depression, anxiety, OCD), whereas others are more broad and allow people to talk about anything that they are feeling.

Stigmatization is a problem in many places in the world, especially in locations where mental health education and resources aren’t as readily available to the public.

Therefore, in order to fight the stigmas that these locations have, and increased effort to make them more equipped to help their people overcome mental health issues, and better technology can make that possible.


Mental health treatment has become more accessible over the years, and there is always more room to grow. After all, twenty to thirty years ago many people probably would have never predicted that they could make an appointment and speak to a therapist through video chat on their phones.  As long as technology continues to evolve, the quality of treatment will continue to go up and more people will be able to get the help they need and deserve to live happier and healthier lives.

Authors Bio:

Marie Miguel has been a writing and research expert for nearly a decade, covering a variety of health- related topics. Currently, she is contributing to the expansion and growth of a free online mental health resource with With an interest and dedication to addressing stigmas associated with mental health, she continues to specifically target subjects related to anxiety and depression.