The video captures the whirling ritual at Mevlana Whirling Dervishes, a festival that delves deep into the spirit of Sufism.

Commemorating the 13th century Sufi poet Rumi, this festival is understated, but it has been known to change even aΒ casual observer in a way they’d never expect. The Whirling Dervishes, or the Mevlevi Order have been paying a 10-day tribute to Rumi every year since his death. Set deep in his teachings of love, devotion and knowledge, this festival teaches people a lot about modern Islam they probably didn’t know, and has also been known to bring people closer to a sense of divine.

The 10-day festival began on December 10 in Konya, Turkey. The video captures the ritual, that’s enhanced manifold by the 360 degree visuals that cover the floor and the surroundings. The walls are covered in moving birds, trees and grass, while the floor shifts from moving tiles to stars and the night sky. Watch it here: