This protest festival against Pamplona’s Running of the Bulls aims to expose the “naked truth” about animal cruelty.
What started as a mere flock of 25 naked animal activists, streaking through the streets of Pamplona in 2002, has now evolved into a widely recognized mass movement that boldly conveys its message. Running of the Nudes commences two days before the San Fermin festival, with several thousand naked individuals wearing bull horns and not much else, propagating animal welfare and the overlooked cruelty of the famous festival altogether.
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Majority of the protesters are women, which is strangely ironic in itself asΒ it draws the stark contrast between the protesters and the bull runners, who are all mostly male. This festival, despite its light-hearted demeanor, serves as a sober preamble and sullen reminder of the sugarcoated injustice of the San Fermin festival.
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The Running of the Nudes is supported by several North American and European animal welfare organizations, including PETA. These organizations sponsor minimal accommodations for the runners along with the provision of legitimacy of the event. The naked runners present an alternative to the iconic albeit violent festival, which has been part of Spain’s culture for centuriesΒ now. Not only does the Running of the Bulls encourage bullfighting, which is a cruel tradition, but it’s also an extremely hazardous activity for anyone around the animals, as proven by this year’s festival’s injuries. Therefore, every year, these easy-going individuals from around the world come together and run half a mile donning bull horns and banners, spreading awareness and taking a stand.
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The festival’s not quite naked as it used to be, since 2006, runners have been required to wear underwear. But who says some odd shirtless thousands can’t make the same change total nudity can. One of the most popular slogans of the festival is “The Naked Truth: Bullfighting is Cruel”.
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Now another facet benefiting the country’s economy, Running of the Nudes has established itself as an irreplaceable alternative to the San Fermin fiesta. We don’t know if the Running of the Bulls will ever be curbed, like it was in this Spanish town that chose to cultivate their bullfighting expenses for education instead, but the Running of the Nudes seems like a more amiable celebration.
View these moving photographsΒ of activists from the festival and visit the Running of the Nudes website to know more about this festival and how to be a part of it.