Matchmaking or marketing strategy? Hereโ€™s what happened when several Tinder users at SXSW thought theyโ€™d found The One.

Ava, allegedly 25, is as sneaky as she is gorgeous. After finding a match with another individual in Austin, Ava and said person took the conversation forward on text. Hereโ€™s the gist of it:


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Upon opening Avaโ€™s profile though, it was soon discovered that Ava was an online alias created by the marketing team of Ex Machina, a movie that was running at the festival. Her instagram account was linked to the movieโ€™s official website. The face of Ava was an actress, who plays “Ava”, an advanced robot in the film.

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Clever and sneakily impressive, this stunt has garnered mixed response. While some appreciated the deceitful tact, othersโ€”primarily the ones who were subject to the dupeโ€”were essentially crestfallen. What do you think about this marketing mayhem? Moreover, does it make you want to watch the film?

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