How far would you go to meet your favourite artist?
As of today, David Spargo is being called a legend. Why, you ask? Well this Peking Duk fan devised an ingenious plan to see his favourite band at an unnamed festival/show. Spargo edited Peking Duk’s Wikipedia page and added himself as “family”. He showed this to security to get past them and walked right in to the green room to meet the band. Spargo then ended up hanging out with the amicable members of Peking Duk and even shared a beer with them.
Peking Duk put up this story on the Facebook page a couple of hours ago.
last night someone edited our wikipedia page to say he was our family. showed security at our show, got into the green room and had a beer with the boys.. Spargo you legend
Posted by Peking Duk on W3dn3sd4y, D3c3mb3r 2, 2015
On which Spagro commented saying, “Thanks for everything lads.”
You have our respect, Spargo.
Tell us how far you would go to see or meet your favourite band! Stay tuned to the Sherp for more news.