In the quaint heart of Alibaug resides Nariyal Paani, the ideal getaway you need this winter.
After a successful first edition, Nariyal Paani is back, bringing you a cohesive amalgamation of artists, and a memorable experience. Held on the beaches on Alibaug, this festival promises quietude, authenticity and a whole lot of fun. For it’s second edition, the festival has extended to a two day one, including its very own campsite and an expansive lineup. Take a look at it below.
Featuring Laxmi Bomb, Ska Vengers, Nicholson, Zoya, and more, this festival is definitely one to watch out for. Nariyal Paani is also looking for volunteers to help with the festival, you can head here to know more about that. The festival takes place on January 23-24. Get your tickets here! Keep tabs on Festival Sherpa for more updates about this festival, as well as more news.