The biggest Geek convention of 2014 took place over the weekend and was more than what every enthusiast hoped for. The most anticipated  part about the Comic Con will always be the trailers and sneak peaks exclusively released at the festival, so here’s a constructive list of the best of this year’s edition.


1. The Hunger Games – Mockingjay part 1
We’ve all been waiting quite patiently for this one. Katniss, Peta and the rest of the gang need no introduction as the movie is set to release on November 21st, this year.


2. Mad Max: Fury Road
Holy shit, if you haven’t seen the Mad Max : Fury Road trailer, do it now. The trailer pretty much beat out any other movie or series’ coming out at Comic Con. Based of the original Mel Gibson Mad Max series, Thomas Hardy has replaced Gibson as the dangerously brave ‘road warrior’ and how! Via the trailer the movie promises to be a unending chase sequence that insane doesn’t even begin to explain.


Daniel Radcliffe sure has graduated from his Harry Potter school boy days and is actually picking movies worth our time. From the looks of it,  this  wicked adaptation of Joe Hill’s ‘Horns’ is about a guy who is (suspected to have offed his lady love) overcome by a  force of evil that causes him to grow horns that make people tell the truth around him. How wonderfully weird.


The last in the Hobbit series, this trailer will surely be bittersweet for the fans. It’s brilliant, nonetheless – Courtesy Peter Jackson


Creepy and terrifying, this movie looks like it’ll be any body horror fan’s dream come true. Think of  darker and funnier(?) version of the  human centipede.


6. Halo
SO HALO IS GOING TO BE A TELEVISION SERIES! Here’s a sneak peak of what it’ll look like – live.


Special Mention :
Game of Thrones, Season 4 Bloopers
To expect a GOT Season 5 trailer this soon would be silly, but the makers kept their viewers satisfied with this hilarious blooper reel.