The current #7 DJ in the world is all set to play in Mumbai at the Sunburn Arena this weekend. Majority of you will be going with the trademark ‘Romero masks’ on. Here’s a little interesting bit about the story behind this mask.
Who was Guy Fawkes?
Guido Fawkes, popularly known as Guy Fawkes, was one of the members of provincial English Catholics who planned the Gunpowder Plot of 1605. This group was involved in a conspiracy against the Protestant King James I. The failed attempt to assassinate the king was termed ‘Gunpowder Plot’.
Enough with the history lesson.
Most of you associate the mask with the graphic novel and comic book series V For Vendetta – where the protagonist V is an anarchist who wears the trademark Guy Fawkes mask. Well, now you know where the mask originates.
So coming back to Nicky… It’s not entirely clear how he started off wearing the mask. But the dance music world is now associating the mask with Nicky Romero. Here’s why:
Ever since the success of ‘Toulouse’, Nicky has been seen with the mask more often…
And not just on stage while performing, but even backstage…
while taking selfies with his pair of Google Glasses!
[Image courtesy:]
Making of the music video for ‘Toulouse’
Signing autographs with the mask on…
…and if he’s without the mask, well – he’s signing the mask for his fans!
Boarding a flight on his birthday…
Mask-ception! (Do you see it?)
It’s no surprise that girls love wearing the mask too!
…and the ones who don’t want to hide their faces, find another way to wear the mask!
Here are some amusing Facebook posts along with their captions by Nicky Romero himself:
Protocol Label Meeting
In case of revolution – Toulouse!
Just hanging with my friends
Simpson-ized Romero? Nah.. we still prefer the mask.
[Cover Image Couresy: Julian Bajsel]