When they said every dog has his day, this is what they were referring to. 

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kukur tihar

In spite of worldwide protests, it’s genuinely heartbreaking to see what’s (still) going down at China’s horrific dog meat festival. Kukur Tihar is a festival in Nepal that slaps this massacre of a tradition smack in the face, as Nepalese locals celebrate and cherish the special relationship between man and dogs.

Each year, Nepal, the world’s only Hindu kingdom, celebrates its own regional version of Diwali called Tihar, the second day of which, is dedicated to worshipping dogs. Believed to be messengers of the God Of Death (Yamraj),  dogs are adorned with garlands, colors, and even treated to a ton of snacks for this one whole day. Everyone participates on this day dedicated to appreciate the immense bond between us and K9’s.

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Police dogs stand up obeying commands of their keepers during the Tihar festival celebrations at a police kennel division in Katmandu, Nepal, Tuesday, Oct. 25, 2011. Dogs are worshipped to acknowledge their role in providing security as part of rituals during Tihar festival, or the festival of lights, also known as Diwali. (AP Photo/Niranjan Shrestha)

Celebrated each year around Diwali (October – November), it’s such a pleasant sight to witness after all that’s going down in Yulin. The Sherp urges you to share this, and let’s just end this massacre once and for all.

(All Images Courtesy: thehydrant.com)