Martin Garrix just might have proved himself to be the coolest DJ ever! 

Chris McPhadden was looking forward to Martin Garrix’s shows at the annual ADE in Amsterdam. He had already booked his tickets for the show, but put off buying plane tickets till the very last minute. So inevitably he couldn’t afford the tickets at the last moment. Being helpless, he took a wild shot and tweeted Garrix about his problem and what followed is outright insane.

“I bought the tickets to his show when they first went on sale because I was afraid they would sell out,” McPhadden says, “but I went to Sziget in Budapest in August, and travelled to America in September, and the flights had gone up 300 euros, and I couldn’t afford them anymore, so I chanced my luck with Martin – and well, luck of the Irish he replied,” said McPhadden.

Wow, talk about dreams coming true. Martin contacted him through Direct Message on Twitter and bought him round trip tickets on the spot. We can’t imagine what McPhadden must have felt after this interaction!

Martin Garrix is probably the coolest of them all now!