Happy 4/20, everyone!

To all you Mary Jane aficionados, here’s a comprehensive list of Cannabis festivals you must attend. Don’t panic, it’s only organic.


1. Cannabis Cup

Where: Amsterdam & Denver, Colorado, USA
When: November, April

Puff Puff Pass :Β Get high and cruise through 150 canals in Amsterdam and check out some coffee shops that sell more than just coffee.

Founded back in 1987 by an American activist, Steven Hager (a strong advocate for the legalization of marijuana), Cannabis Cup is what we’d call a modern day harvest festivity where stoners and hemp enthusiasts unite to experience and learn about their favourite past time.Β At Cannabis Cup you can experience marijuana, like how you can experience luxury goods at a luxuryΒ expo. Visitors are encouraged to sample the various variations and β€˜products’ of weed, and can also sit as judges in a β€˜best category’ competition. Pretty neat huh?


2. Midwest Marijuana Harvest Festival

Where: Madison, USA
When: October

Puff Puff Pass: Check out some of the best vendors, watch champions of marijuana legalization give you the low down and be part of a day long rally!

As USA’s longest running Marijuana Harvest fest, the aim of this event is more political than anything. The festival is speciallyΒ dedicated to promoting positive legal, social, and political change with information and action in support of cannabis (marijuana) and the many adults who use it.

midwesst marijuana

3. HempCon

Where: Las Vegas, San Jose (and many cities around USA)
When: Throughout the year

Puff Puff Pass : Pick up your favourite weed paraphernalia, check out hybrids and grab some collectives.

The proverbial Comic Con of Marijuana conventions, HempCon is basically every pothead’s dream, manifested. What will you find at HempCon, you ask? Variations of Cannabis, collectives items, hydroponics and glass ware. You will also be able to pick up product and watch seminars on on how to growΒ the best stuff. The conference makes available legal services, associations and even doctors evaluations!

4. MardiGrass

Where : Nimbin, NWS, Australia
When: May

Puff Puff Pass: Test your rolling skills in a ‘joint rolling’ competition.

Nimbin ( a town in New South Wales, Australia) is known worldwide for its unique Cannabis Culture. Every year, thousands of people, descend on this tiny town to be a part of/witness the town’s flagship Marijuana fest i.e Mardigrass. Apart from being an excellent spin on the word Mardigras, the festival is often described as weird yet delightful, because of the ‘events’ that take place during. The centre of the festival weekend are eventsΒ such as the Hemp Olympix, including Joint Rolling, Bong Throw and Yell and Growers Iron-person events; also including the Nimbin Cannabis Cup, Harvest Ball, Picker’s Ball, live music and dance parties. The “Protest Rally and Parade” is held on the Sunday, accompanied by the traditional “Big Joint” and Dancing Ganja Faeries.


Where : Seattle
When : August

Puff Puff Pass: The world’s first ‘protestival.

The Seattle HEMPFEST rallyΒ is the world’s largest annual event advocating cannabis law reform, in a unique β€œprotestival” environment. This annual event is held every August in Myrtle Edwards and Centennial Parks on the Seattle waterfront and draws in thousands of people to witnessΒ speakers and music, meet up with vendors, gorge on some munchie-worthy delicacies, and of course, smoke pot.

6. Cannatech

Where: Tel Aviv, Israel
When: TBA

Puff Puff Pass: Take part in spirited discussions about cannabis and its many benefitsΒ with eminent medical professionals from all over the world.

Tel Aviv, Israel was the surprising hub of industry leaders, doctors, researchers from all over theΒ world when it hosted this year’s Cannatech. Israel is home to professional growers ofΒ cannabis and medical researchers who have made it their life’s work to understand andΒ propagate the positive effect of cannabis usage. The three days are an incredible experience ofΒ learning, connecting and exploring of the global cannabis community.

(AP Photo/Dan Balilty)

(AP Photo/Dan Balilty)


7. Potluck Expo

Where: San Diego
When: June 5, 2016.

Puff Puff Pass: Play games, dance, sing and watch some really great performances whileΒ flying high as a kite.

The Potluck Expo is considered to be the biggest medical marijuana festival in San Diego. TheΒ festival brings togetherΒ California’s holistic communities by β€˜creating fun, unique, educational andΒ musical events for manufacturers, providers, patients, advocates and professionals in theΒ alternative health care arena.’ The sprawling venue offers fantastic views ofΒ the famous Mission Bay. The festival entertains with an entire day of live music, delicious foodΒ and fun activities for everyone to participate in.

(Image : Joel Pollak / Breitbart News)

(Image : Joel Pollak / Breitbart News)


8. The Emerald Cup

Where: Santa Rosa, CA.
When: December 10 to 11

Puff Puff Pass: Join the cause for legalization of weed in California, while checking outΒ some of the most premium stuff on the market.

When a festival is referred to as the β€˜Academy Awards of the cannabis industry’ by RollingΒ Stones, Β you can assume this is one hell of an event. This festival-award showΒ combination is leading the way in talking about all that matters in the process of legalization ofΒ weed. Seminars, talk and workshops held by some of the most eminent personalities in theΒ cannabis industry and live performances to go with live performances, The Cup is all aboutΒ celebrating the true spirit of the sacred herb.

weed emerald cup


9. National Cannabis Festival

Where: Washington, DC
When: April 23

Puff Puff Pass: Celebrate marijuana by smoking none at this new DC festival. After all, itsΒ the thought that counts, right?

Though weed is legal in Washington, hosting a festival that celebrates cannabis is no easy taskΒ here. The organizers have had to face multiple problems, with the only solution being completeΒ prohibition of the cannabis on the premise of the festival, this year. Yes, that means no vendorsΒ or manufacturers selling some A-grade stuff inside. But you can still go down and check out allΒ kinds of awesome merchandise like a smell-proof bag for you to carry your stash in and ofΒ course, a cannabis energy drink, whose sweet flavour is complimented by hemp seed extract.


10. New York Cannabis Film Festival

Where: New York
When: TBA

Puff Puff Pass: Chill out and watch cinema that works to highlight the positive effects ofΒ cannabis.

The NYC CFF raise the public’s level of awareness about the holy herb. The festival focuses onΒ exploring them through the lens of the camera with some pretty mind-blowing results. It hasΒ formed a community of film-makers, writers and artists to share their work with theΒ general public. The weekend is filled with events, workshops and activities.

morgan freeman smoking a spliff

(Words by Dhriti Menon and Sanskriti Shukla)