Don’t be the guy who keeps asking, ‘Do you have stash, bro?’. Everybody hates that guy.
Festivals are rife with people sneaking in all kinds of weird things. From pets to children, we have seen it all. But if you belong to the demographic of people who ‘just wanna sneak in some weed, man’, in other words normal, you’re not alone. Here are some helpful tips from people who actually tried…and succeeded!
There are more than thousand music festivals per year in the U.S. And many visitors don’t mind to compliment the music with an good joint. Currently, medical marijuanais fully legal in Alaska, Colorado, Oregon, Washington and the District of Columbia. So those weed that you have grown for the local festival from medical weed seeds will come in handy there. Unfortunately, every state is not chill and you have to sneak around to smoke there.
So with these sacred words we start
Get a stick of deodorant and empty it out, then cut some of the deodorant off and put the deodorant stick over your weed, so it looks like normal. Fuckin get a soda can and empty it out, dry it out, put weed in there, you can make it look like it has not been opened, then throw it in cooler with rest of beers. Fuckin get a stuffed animal, cut a small hole and shove ur shit in there. Fucking wear a hat and put it under that shit. Grind it up and put it in a lipstick case or some shit. There a million ways, just find something that isn’t suspicious hollow it out, whatever. This shit aint brain surgery.
1. Explore… your pants
Come on, we have all heard the stories and some…even tried it. Yes, shoving one’s treasure up one’s butt is hands down, one of the most common techniques to get past security. When dealing with huge crowds, security is highly unlikely to take the pains of looking through your backside.
Like this enterprising guy –
‘The anal cavity is a good choice, I recommend using some KY or baby oil for ease of passage. I used to take the brill cream from the tub and load it up with well wrapped weed and cover it back p with the brill. My m8 uses body butter to stash shit when he goes abroad.’
– Taken from
But if putting things in your tush is not your idea of a comfortable festival experience, you can always hide it in your underwear. Seasoned Redditors suggest you wear two layers under there, and hide the booty in between them. Stay tight, don’t be too obvious and you are good to go.
2. Tape it to your legs
This one’s going to be easier for the ladies, as security usually don’t check them very thoroughly down there. Tape some of the stash to your legs and if it is not obvious already, avoid wearing shorts. Or anything that bares your legs. That can be a pretty big giveaway, we hear.
Take inspiration from this guy if you need incentive –
‘Taped a baggie to the inside of my leg… like near the balls brah (lol.)
Kind of sucks to do it in the hotel room and have something taped to your leg for a hour or two until you’re in the venue and can get into a bathroom… but decent at avoiding a patdown.‘
– Taken from
3. Flashlights
Yes we know you got them smartphones with dual flashlight with y’all, but a trusty old flashlight can be pretty handy to sneak in some stuff. The easiest way is to take out the batteries and replace it with baggies filled with pot. It’s hardly suspicious and security hardly bother themselves with an innocent looking flashlight.
Here is someone who has been there and done that-
‘Been doin this for years and it works always. Take the flashlight battery out and put your rolled up j’s in there instead. The security gotta be seriously paranoid if they check your flashlight though.’
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4. Lighters
A surprisingly untapped resource, stash lighters are small, easy to carry and great at hiding your stash. You can buy them off anywhere online, particularly Amazon. Stash lighters come equipped with a secret slot where you can stow away the ganja. Hiding it can be as simple as slipping it into your pocket and strolling right past any suspicion.
Like this guy-
‘Stash lighters work great, just make sure u have a pack of smokes or something so it doesnt look odd if for some reason they want to check ur shit more thoroughly.‘
Taken from
5. Shoes
Another classic move. Shoes have been used to hide the weirdest stuff since time immemorial, and they are no exception to your stash hiding needs. The downside is that festival security has more than caught up with this trick and shoes are usually the first place they look for any illegal stuff, so be careful.
Speaking from experience is this helpful gent
‘If you’re bringing j’s, i’d say try to put them into a container, and then your shoe, cuz they never check there. pockets are a risk at any music place. if i were you, i’d use a really small pipe (like one of those metal ones), because it can fit in one shoe, and your bud can go in the other. I’ve done that for almost every concert i’ve been to without a problem. ‘
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6. Bras
This one is quite obviously for the ladies. Need some sound advice from?
‘Came here to say find a friend with breasts. If their breasts are large enough, you can fit a ridiculous amount of stuff in the bra. Source: owns a pair of large breasts.
Edit: You should definitely throw a little extra green for anyone who does this for you.’
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7. In food
Yes, we get it. It’s genius. It’s funny the lengths people go to sneak some doobies in. But it works. Grab a big bag of chips or popcorn and hide your J’s in there. Though this only works for festivals that allow outside food inside.
Tip: Make sure you stay away from the security dogs. They are much more likely to sniff at your food than anything and you don’t want those hungry paws exposing your rolled up secrets.
‘Take fresh unopened jar of pb. Carefully take half of the paper seal off, remove some pb and put on a plate. Throw your stuff in (safely and double or triple bagged unless you want some pb in your shit). Put that pb you took out (or as much as you can) back on top so it can’t be seen from sides. Grab a glue stick and carefully seal the pb again. Added bonus: mother fucking pb and j sandwiches.‘
8. Sleeping Bag
What is going to be the one thing they will probably never suspect? The sleeping bag. Make sure you pack it first because no way are the security guys going to take the trouble of going through your entire bag. Trust us, you are safe. Also, be careful to take the joint out first when you unroll the bag inside. Many joints have been known to be lost by ones who are not mindful.
Or you might end up like this guy here-
‘Me and my mate went to the Roo a few years back with our stash in our bags. Easily past security we handed the bags back to his parents, who we borrowed it from in the first place. But my friend forgot to check it and turns out we left a few joints in there after all. It was not pretty for him, that’s for sure.’
– Taken from
9. Hair
If you are a smooth mothafucka like this guy over here, nothing can hold you back. Nothing.
What does he do in his free time? Write complicated code? Save starving children in Africa? Be Kanye West? We will never know.
Or you can try it with your beard as well. Like this guy’s brother-
‘My brother has a big bushy beard and one time was able to smuggle like 8 or 9 joints in his beard. so, thats an option if you have a big bushy beard.‘
– Taken from
#Beard Goals
10. Pens
It’s almost obvious once you think of it! Pens! Yes, just take out the refills and replace them with joints and that’s pretty much all the creativity you need. Don’t overdo it, because it’s going to be extremely suspicious if you are carrying ten different pens with you to a music festival.
Or you can go for sharpies as this one did-
‘My friends and I used to used old sharpies that had run out. You can pop off the tip, take out the cartridge and put a joint in place. Works like a charm we’d each take like two or three in, never been caught.‘
– Taken from
11. Your trusty cigarette pack
Tried and tested, mildly risky but known to work, cigarette packs are some of the most common places for joints to be found. The best part is they are easy to camouflage and if you are smart enough at hiding it, chances are the security won’t even come across them. Again, the most important part is to be super cool about it and just act as if you are totally not hiding the key to an amazing festival experience in there.
Follow this smarty pants here and stay safe –
‘Well if you smoke cigarettes roll a joint with white paper and make it look like a one of them and put it in the box with the others. They don’t search through them at most festivals. Done it many times myself.’
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12. Every phone is an opportunity
This was probably the idea of the hair-weed guy. It’s so easy that we are surprised it isn’t more popular. Replace you phone battery with a pouch of good old hashish and you don’t need to worry about anyone chancing upon it. Because its HIGHLY unlikely that they will ask you to open up your phone. They usually are not that creative. Lucky us.
My friend suggested that I pop my phone battery out and sneak in a little hash baggy instead. Worked wonderfully as none of the coppers bothered to check there. Though it kinda sucked that I lost the battery and was left with a dead phone for the rest of the fest.’
-Taken from
13. Beauty products
If you are one of those people who like to carry your a mini beauty salon with you, its only fair that you use it for higher purposes. The easiest for this is talcum powder, which has a bottle roomy enough for you to slip anything inside. For the really desperate, try aiming for face wash tubes and other such products that have a very low probability of being checked. Even lipsticks and perfumes cannot be spared, just make sure none of the bottles are transparent.
If you need detailed instructions, we have this guy right here:
‘Quadruple shrink wrapped an eighth. Emptied out half of my conditioner and stuck it in there. When you arrive at said destination cut the top off and pour out contents and rinse of your sack. Covers smells and X-rays and even if they open it they can only see soap. Pack it in luggage with other toiletries.’
-Taken from
14. Tampon cases
Aha! Another good use for something the ladies usually detest using. Tear open the bottom part of the case and slip your joints in. And then all you gotta do is glue it up nice and neat and the security won’t give it a second thought. Stay quiet, stay golden.
Just like this brave and practical soul right here:
‘As a female I have to say I think I’ve come up with the absolute best idea for sneaking drugs in. Take an unopened tampon and cut a very small slit along the seam at the top. Put the pills inside. A dab of glue to seal it back up and you’re golden. Just make sure the glue isn’t visible obviously. I usually take in 3 tampons if it’s an all day thing so it looks more believable (plus sometimes I actually need them so there’s that)’
-Taken from