United Nations honours Tomorrowland with a heartfelt message. Read it below.

Every young-adult/millennial is somewhat obsessed with the idea of the ‘festival experience’ and many festivals worldwide cater to this idea and propagate the concept of living-in-the-moment, togetherness and the all-accepting mentality. However, it’s not everyday that a world leader acknowledges them.

Ban Ki-Moon, Secretary-General of United Nations graced Tomorrowland with his presence as well as his words, saying, “Let’s work as one towards dignity for all.” This quote is now engraved on a wooden plaque and added to the One World bridge, a unique piece of art and monumental project initiated by Tomorrowland, Province Antwerp and Arne Quinze to bring different people from all over the world in one place.


(Image Courtesy: musictimes.com)

“This bridge – and indeed, the Tomorrowland festival in general – symbolizes some of the core values the United Nations strives to uphold every day around the world: dignity, respect, diversity and solidarity,” Ki-Moon elaborated. “It is exciting to think that two months from now, nearly 200,000 young people and music fans from almost every country in the world will come together at the Tomorrowland festival to celebrate life through the unifying force of music.”

Click here to see Tomorrowland dates and other details for 2015.

(Cover Image Courtesy: phouse.com.br)