In an age where festivals are a dime a dozen, here is one that aspired to make a difference.

2011 saw the inauguration of THiNK Fest – a three-day cerebral carnival that brings together some of the great minds from across India. Held annually on the glittering beaches of Goa, THiNK seems to promise a swirl of intelligent discussion and fruitful debates. With the event’s third session fast approaching, Festival Sherpa takes time to reflect on the necessity and sustainability of such a platform on our country’s present climate of thought.

India – a country historically steeped in stubborn beliefs – has always held onto its ideals with fierce pride, however obsolete or one-tracked they may be. The uncharacteristic viewpoint has often been shattered and sprinkled in the tight, smothering spaces between this country’s billion inhabitants. But in small pockets across the land, there have always been some who have dared to pick up the abandoned thread of conversation and spark the small yet persistent flame of reform. And even though many have been stamped down or lost in the crowd, it is from these small pockets that visionaries have risen and prospered.

These are the people who have made great strides in their various fields – applying their skills as global thinkers into their work with film, biology or education. And these are the people that have washed up on the shores of THiNK – eager to share their journeys as freethinkers, but also willing to be confronted by the paths taken by others.

Apart from bringing to the forefront pressing issues that plague both the country and the world today, THiNK also encourages dialogue on matters that may seem trivial and mundane to the less discerning eye. But as a country that is wont to act first and think later – India is certainly in desperate need of both the big and small conversations that make up the chemistry and integrity of a place. A platform in its pubescent years may not be making the required impact on a strong-willed country that’s one billion strong, but by taking small steps towards challenging and expanding the boundaries of belief, THiNK at the very least helps the subdued flame of free thought burn just a little brighter.

Read more here.