The venue will be called The Sisterhood and will be open to all people who identify as women.

Glastonbury will be hosting what organisers have termed a “revolutionary clubhouse” dubbed The Sisterhood. What makes it unique is the fact that will be an all female venue and open to everyone who identifies as a woman. The clubhouse aims to be an “intersectional, queer, trans and disability-inclusive space” and will feature a complete staff, including performers, who identify as female.

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“The producers of The Sisterhood believe that women-only spaces are necessary in a world that is still run by and designed to benefit mainly men. Oppression against women continues in various manifestations around the world today, in different cultural contexts,” said organizers in a statement. “In the UK, the gender pay gap in the workplace, cuts to domestic violence services and sex worker rights are current talking points that highlight this issue. Sisterhood seeks to provide a secret space for women to connect, network, share their stories, have fun and learn the best way to support each other in our global struggle to end oppression against women and all marginalised people, while showcasing the best and boldest female talent in the UK and beyond.”

The Sisterhood will be located in Glastonbury’s Shangri-La zone and will feature live music, DJs and workshops on intersectionality, diversity and inclusion. It will also include daily dance classes and even a DIY power tools workshops with carpenter Rhi Jean.