“A million fireflies will be all around our campsite in a remote, tribal village called Purushwadi. They light up the night skies like green glitter scattered on trees.”


About 180 kilometres from Mumbai, stands Purushwadi – a tribal village adopted by Grassroutes, an organization whose sole purpose has been to promote village tourism over the last five years.

firefly2(Image Courtesy : Grassroutes/Facebook)

What really sets this particular village apart from the rest is quite fascinating. The village is home to millions of fireflies that light up summer nights starting around May up until July, every year.


To celebrate this gorgeous phenomena, every year,  Grassroutes organises a firefly sighting festival, that includes bonfires, jam sessions and traditional organic food to compliment this extraordinary experience.

The festival last from the May 23 to July 6, so do take a weekend off to witness these tiny and magnificent creatures light up their habitat.

For more details on how to get there and bookings, head over to the Fireflies Festival’s Facebook page.