Like they all say, karma is a bitch.

The Hi-Fi Musical Adventure won’t be making its debut in Toronto, Ontario as many had hoped. Now we don’t want to point fingers (okay maybe we do), but the cancellation can be directly linked to festival co-organizer Anthony Dell’Orso’s publicly posted Facebook status. In his deragatory remarks he said, “Fuck Kesha. Talentless hack with a penchant for drama.”

The post was then copied and quoted in a private group by Desiree Das Gupta, vocalist of Toronto based band Kaleidoscope Horse. On learning this, Anthony began harassing at least two women, Desiree and Jocelyn Conway, a drummer who unfriended him when she learnt of his comments. Word of his behaviour quickly spread resulting in two bands backing out and then the entire festival getting cancelled.


Anthony Dell’Orso had to obviously step away from the festival but co-organizer Amanda posted a hopeful note on the festival page stating that though the festival is done, most of the band performances will still take place at the venue booked under her name and invited the audience to still attend.

Anthony’s remarks might not have been taken seriously if they had not been so ill timed. As Ke$ha still struggles with her court battle, it is outrageous that someone would make light of her situation, undermining her statement and character. Though a music festival getting cancelled is always sad, it might be for the best now that the organizers are free of Anthony.