Unlike most festivals, Shambhala Music festival takes a difference approach to substance on festival grounds. 

Shambhala Music Festival, held in British Columbia, Canada, is great for many reasons. It offers a secluded and immersive festival experience, with the right blend of music and social activities. Shambhala has also established itself as a relatively family inclusive festival. Then why does the festival not ban drugs?

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(Image Courtesy: theglobeandmail.com)

Organizers of Shambhala believe that instead of banning drugs or giving in to judgement, providing information and education about intoxicants and drug tests on festival grounds may just be more useful. But does this method really work? CBC reporter Reg Sherren decided to investigate, at the festival, to see whether this approach is working.

Watch the video below to gain some insight on whether the Shambhala way of handling substance is the way to go for music festivals in the future. Keep tabs here for more news.