Look out, Fashion Week! Diplo’s ushering in a whole new kind of Revolution!

Largely admired for being an overall hunk, DJ extraordinaire Diplo has signed a contract with model agency Next Management– and we could not be more thrilled! With his unique taste and devilish good looks, modeling sounds like the perfect foray for everyone’s favorite DJ!

Credit: GloFX

“We, at Next Management, have a huge appreciation for those who use their gifts to affect culture in a positive way,” quotes Next founder Faith Kates“As fashion is representative of the collision of all pop cultures, we are…confident that Diplo’s insight into culture and prowess in music will resonate with brands.”

“ I want to explore a new world of creativity and am thrilled to sign with Next Management who understand what I represent and where I want to be,” Diplo said in a statement.“Plus, I’ve just always wanted to be a supermodel.”

Credit: Grammio

It’s hard not to agree with this decision as you sit in your bedroom and scroll through the DJ’s impressive Instagram Page. We can’t wait to see what comes next for Diplo!