Look out, Fashion Week! Diploโ€™s ushering in a whole new kind of Revolution!

Largely admired for being an overall hunk, DJ extraordinaire Diplo has signed a contract with model agency Next Management– and we could not be more thrilled! With his unique taste and devilish good looks, modeling sounds like the perfect foray for everyoneโ€™s favorite DJ!

Credit: GloFX

โ€œWe, at Next Management, have a huge appreciation for those who use their gifts to affect culture in a positive way,โ€ย quotesย Nextย founderย Faith Kates.ย โ€œAs fashion is representative of the collision of all pop cultures, we areโ€ฆconfident that Diploโ€™s insight into culture and prowess in music will resonate with brands.โ€

โ€œ I want to explore a new world of creativity and am thrilled to sign with Next Management who understand what I represent and where I want to be,โ€ย Diploย said in a statement.โ€œPlus, Iโ€™ve just always wanted to be a supermodel.โ€

Credit: Grammio

Itโ€™s hard not to agree with this decision as you sit in your bedroom and scroll through the DJโ€™s impressive Instagram Page. We canโ€™t wait to see what comes next for Diplo!