A controversial subject, and a movement that is loved, hated and misunderstood in equal parts by the world today, feminism is a hotly debated subject. And what better way to articulate feminist thought than through films? The relatively unexplored arena of desi feminist documentary filmmaking is brought to you this weekend by this amazing film festival.
This Independence Day weekend, the feminist website The Ladies Finger and the experimental space Godrej India Culture Lab are coming together to present their brainchild – Wandering Women: The Feminist Docu Film Festival of India. Celebrating all kinds of women – the wandering, the courageous, the witty and the quintessential, this film festival is going to make for a perfectly stimulating and enlightening weekend.
(Image Courtesy: Godrej India Culture Lab)
Wandering Women promises an array of different films, “from a warm 1992 film about one of India’s earliest woman actors to a 2002 film that embraced online culture a decade before it happened, to a fantastic ‘YouTube party’ – a slew of videos made by very young filmmakers who were born with a splash into a feminism-loving Internet.
Enjoy a big, dashing film about the big, dashing founder of the Pink Sari vigilantes. Or the stories of a group of daring women journalists in rural Uttar Pradesh, a butch female truck-driver in Gujarat, a young photographer who records the aftermath of a painful break-up and the lives of other bright, young women like her in Ghaziabad.”
There’s really no reason to miss out on this.
A still from the documentary “Gulabi Gang”(Image Courtesy: Godrej India Culture Lab)
When: August 15th-16th
Where: Auditorium (first floor), Godrej ONE, Vikhroli (East). (Entry from Eastern Express Highway)
Entry free and open to all!