An app called FireChat enables attendees to create their own wireless network and stay connected on the playa.

Going off the grid completely may not be so easy anymore. As much as your wanderlust may tempt you to ditch your smartphone and live in the moment, FireChat makes it difficult to be disconnected from other people, doing its job spectacularly. The app allows peer-to-peer messaging, using Bluetooth and Wi-Fi to deliver messages to phones as far as 200 feet away in areas without a cell signal, i.e., the very arena of Burning Man.


It also added a new feature that enables pseudonyms for the users, providing security through relative annonymity. For those who crave connection with their buddies or other burners at the festival will find this app abundantly useful.

“It’s a great tool when you have lots of people who share a common purpose,” said Micha Benoliel, chief executive and co-founder of Open Garden, the company behind the app. “This is an open communications network that does not require any infrastructure or management.”

(Via Venture Beat)

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