The biggest party under the Nevada sun has come and gone, with around 65000 performers and free spirits gathering to form a temporary city based on radical self-expression. Burning Man, as always was quite the spectacle and here are 26 pictures to prove it
1. The road to Burning Man
2. The Playa
(Image Courtesy: Jim Urquhart)
3. Hanging out by the Embrace
4. Namaste?
5. A Dinosaur art car
6. The flying zoetrope.
“A zoetrope is an old-school type of animation that creates the illusion of motion by displaying a sequence of poses showing progressive phases of that motion.”
7. Now that’s the kind of car I would like to drive around
8. Pulse & bloom by day…
(Image Courtesy: Jim Urquhart)
9. …by night.
(Image Courtesy: Jim Urquhart)
10. Inside The Temple of Grace
11. Fancy a few rounds?
12. The Thunderdome
(Image Courtesy: Jim Urquhart)
13. Rainbow desert, much like rainbow dessert
14. Peace Love & Flash
15. Uh, who invited Daler Mahendi?
16. Motivational road signs were a thing
17. The Embrace by day
(Image Courtesy: Jim Urquhart)
18. Which looked even better by night
(Image Courtesy: Jim Urquhart)
19. Indeed
20. Hey mister, can I take a selfie?
(Image Courtesy: Jim Urquhart)
22. Robot hearts
23. I don’t know, you tell me
24. A writing sesh at Black Rock City
25. Time for wedding
26. Here comes the Burn