Redheads of the world united on RedheadDay or Roodharigendag, a festival dedicated specifically to them
This is just awesome. The city of Breda in the Netherlands held the quirkiest little festival over the weekend, dedicated and organised for all the redheads around the world including their non-redhead counterparts, partners, friends and family.
According to their website, hundreds of redheads turned up, from around 70 different countries, making it the official and largest gathering of redheads ever.
“For all redheads; men, women and children! Curly, spikey, quiff or crest; everybody who has red hair is more than welcome. Of course, this day is also unforgettable for non-redheads. So don`t hesitate to bring your partner, children, parents and other fans!”
This massive ginger celebration featured some pretty cool events like music, a speed dating event, a scooter tour and a fashion show that featured the gorgeous Dutch-African model – Sterra Vlamings.
All in all, much fun was had at this lovely festival, with many a readhead turning up in their favourite costumes and wackiest selves. Just like this colour co-ordinated couple.
Thomas Knights, a British photographer also held a photo exhibition titled, Red Hot that featured the hottest ginger male models. Yum!