In his inimitable style, The Sherp gives you a low-down on what and what not to do while prepping for what is clearly one of the most awesomely unique music events the world has hosted in recent times

It wouldn’t be wrong to say that with Bacardi Triangle, Bacardi has done the impossible — brought a music event smack dab in the middle of Bermuda Triangle. The event will be held from October 30 to November 2 on the island of Palomino, off the coast of Pueto Rico, in the North Atlantic Sea. It will be headlined by global music stars Ellie GouldingKendrick Lamar and Calvin Harris.


For the the lucky few who are travelling to the event, here’s some word of advice from music veteran The Sherp

1. Soak in the exotic atmosphere

In case you haven’t noticed, Bacardi Triangle is going to be held in the Bermuda Triangle – one  of the most mysterious and legendary places in the world. So, first of all, if you happen to be going for the event, thank your stars, and Bacardi, for giving you the opportunity of  a lifetime.

Bird's Eye Beach View


2. Pack your best beachwear

Blue waters, white sands and happy sunshine. Make the most of the place while chilling in between performances. At Bacardi Triangle, you will attending some of the most unique parties on the beach, so make sure you are in your best beachwear.

Bacardi Triangle Bikini

3. Don’t miss the pool parties

Bacardi Triangle will also host some exciting bashes around the pool, with the best music setting the tone. Don’t look anything but your best at these awesome bashes.

triangle 4

4. Practise some disco moves before heading

Think disco balls, shimmer curtains, strobe lights and spellbinding music that will make you take centre stage on the dance floor. At the Disco Till Dusk party at the event, this is the world you will be surrounded by. You might want to take a crash course in disco dancing before leaving for Bacardi Triangle.

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5. Plan a spooky look for the Black Pearl Party

One of the highlights at Bacardi Triangle will be the Black Pearl Party. The expansive water park will transform into a wonderland with living mermaids, fire lanterns, voodoo shack stage erected high up from where one of the headliners will perform. What’s not to like?

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6. On a lighter note, ensure that you make it to the after-movie

Oh, and while you’re busy polishing your dance moves, don’t forget to master the punctual hand-raising, epic jaw-dropping and the other generic concert-expression-giving.



7. You will be treated like royalty, so travel light

Each and every attendee at the Bacardi Triangle will be treated to the best kind of hospitality at the scenic hotel, The El Conquistador. So make the most of it and travel light.


8.  Quit being shy. Make friends

Who knows, you might find your soul mate at Bacardi Triangle. Think about it. All the people who would come to festival value the same things in life that you do. And wouldn’t they make for some awesome company. Be a sport and make buddies at this event.

9.  Memorise the headliners’ hit songs before you leave

You definitely don’t want to be that person that doesn’t know all the songs to a T, right?


10. Don’t get lost

In case you haven’t noticed (or choose not to), Bacardi Triangle is going to be held in the Bermuda Triangle – that spooky place that has witnesses the disappearances of ships, planes and what have you. So, you do whatever, but try your best not to disappear. How uncool it will be just to be a boring stat in the Bermuda disappearances record, right?

Stay tuned for more updates from The Sherp.

1901352_759164430820494_2574949015618227844_n     (All Images Courtesy: (Cover Image Courtesy: Bacardi Triangle Facebook)