Media giant Viacom18 recently announced their plans to organize gigs that will cater to audience scales of 5000 to 20,000 people!

WOW aren’t we a luck bunch – being gifted with new gig after gig for our entertainment sake! Viacom18, the guys who own VH1, MTV, Nickelodeon amongst others, has recently announced that they plan to add more events to their ‘Viacom 18 Live’ (the groups recently launched new business division) portfolio, which in lay-mans terms means a whole lot more gigs for us!
And how do we know this you ask? Well The Sherp has ears everywhere, and these super sensitive ears recently heard the Senior Vice Pesident of Viacom18 say: “we have couple of large audience format planned that cater to a 5,000 – 20,000 audience. The properties cannot be named as of yet as we have not locked in the talent. For the scale that we have planned, we will have three large formats planned for different genres in MTV. Similarly, for VH1 we are looking at comedy, pop, rock and jazz – this will be the area we work in and get acts in India. Details of the large-open air properties will be out very soon, By next month or so.”
Whooo Hoooo. The Sherp is really excited to hear this news and just can’t wait till more details are out. You can be assured that we will update you with the news as soon as we get it!