June and July are going to be two amazing months for psy trance lovers, as Kundalini Shakti and Electric Mahadeva are coming back to the blissful Kasol valley!

The Kundalini Shakti festival will be on for 4 days, starting on the 9th of June and ending on the 12th. Whereas, Electric Mahadeva will happen a month later, from July 7-9.



(Courtesy: Facebook)

The lineup has been announced for Kundalini Shakti, consisting of artists like Upgrade, X. S. I., Cholo, Zik, Pantoman, Sonic Entity and Shivatree among a host of others.

While no lineup has been announced for Electric Mahadeva yet, there are associations with record labels like Iboga, T I P, Parvati, STM, Noise Poison and Shiva Squad, who will feature their artists at the festival.

Stay tuned for more updates on these two giant psy trance festivals!