When drinking alcohol from a glass becomes too mainstream, you put it into the very air you breathe! [ADE and other indoor venues! We’re looking at you.]
Don’t you just hate it when your dancing is interrupted by the constant need to go and get a drink? Wouldn’t life be so much easier if you could somehow drink and dance simultaneously? Enter Bompas & Parr, a revolutionary design firm that has invented, “the world’s first alcoholic weather system for your tongue” — a place where “mixology meets meteorology.” For an entrance fee of £10 (£12.50 during peak hours), visitors can spend an hour drinking potent cocktails and getting lost in “the cloud”: a small room filled with vaporized gin and tonic.
(Courtesy : i.guim.co.uk)
According to the creators Sam Bompas & Harry Parr, 40 minutes in the room is equal to consuming “a large drink” with the difference that the alcohol is absorbed straight into the bloodstream through the lungs and eyes which means visitors can get the same buzz with 40 percent less alcohol by volume (and fewer calories). The installation is currently done in their unique bar Alcoholic Architecture. The possibilities are endless with this as usage can be expanded from just clubs to bigger indoor events such as the Amsterdam Dance Event or the Musicport festival. Festivals can also introduce small rooms with music while people go and chill in the vapour giving a totally radical experience from conventional drinking.
What do you think about this groundbreaking method of alcohol consumption? Yay or Nay?