Sorry guys, but it’s time we called you out on some of the annoying things you do at music festivals, which you might want to stop!

Let’s be clear, this article is in no way a reflection of everyone who comes to a music festival. But of late, with the more festivals we’ve been attending, we’re starting to realise that some people just won’t quit. Doing annoying things, that is. Most of these things are borne out of little care for others at the festival, and it’s time we told you what those are.

Read on with an open mind and empathise with us, please.

1. Talking incessantly during wordless music

While many music fans are not fans of instrumental rock, especially post-rock; some people in the audience definitely are. The latter group of fans find recourse in the absence of vocals, as they enjoy the never-ending symphonies that are birthed with mere guitars and percussions. Except, it’s a major dampener if the former group of people talk endlessly through it all.

We understand the songs have no vocals, but that really doesn’t mean you must make up for it by talking, and ruining the experience for many others. As individual tastes often exist, you can either choose to enjoy the sound, or perhaps, not talk for the sake of other people.

The absolute brilliance of a music festival is the ridiculous number of choices at hand. If you don’t enjoy a set, you can pretty much walk over to another stage, or even better, to the food zone for a quick snack. But some people persist through it, and talk, yell and laugh because they do not enjoy the music as much. But here’s the thing! You don’t have to, only to disturb it for others.


2. Shooting videos throughout and blocking the view

When Jack White announced that he wasn’t a fan of cellphones at his concert, we amen-ed to that.

First,Β it is redundant to the idea of a live concert. Second, it also proves a major distraction to people standing behind you at a gig. We have spent several concerts trying to have a one good look at an artist because of a pair of hands raised in the air shooting a video. A photo or two, is fine. A short video too, if you need one for remembrance. But shooting the entire segment does not do well for those standing behind you.


3. Being unaware of your waving cigarette

While cigarette burns in a crowd at a festival are aplenty, can we as people do anything about it? Sure, we can. You’re at a music festival, you know the crowd turnout will be in the thousands, you’re also aware that you’re more susceptible to burning someone than you ever were. So what do you do about it? Smoke your cigarette a lot more carefully, of course.

Waving your cigarette-holding arm along with little care, and burning someone in the process can be duly avoided.


4. Scurrying around for your friends after the set has begun

The set has begun and you cannot find your friends. While that may be problematic, it usually isn’t the end-all of things. From experience, we’ve had people yelling out for their friends, going left-to-right and right-to-left in search of that friend they’ve lost, without realising that at a crowded music festival, you’re losing friends all the time.

Besides, while embroiled in the search of your lifetime, you’re blocking views, stepping on people and just disrupting the concert for a whole lot of other people around you.


5. Spilling your drinks on people

While this is mostly accidental, and we acknowledge, some times, it also has a lot to do with little regard for people around you. We’ve gone several festivals watching people do it over and over again to mention that it may be a serious problem.


7. Bumping into people

Not the accidental bumping, that we’re speaking of. But when you’re in a sea of people, it’s obvious that the square unit of area every person gets is irrefutably small. There isn’t much that can be done about it. But what can be done is that people can choose to not to clumsily fall and bump into people, despite knowing fully well that that is an obvious possibility. A little consideration for someone else’s space can go a long way.


8. Disrespecting the artist

Often, unruly fans can get quite disrespectful of the artist. From yelling slurs, to expletives, people sometimes do cross a line. It’s perfectly alright to dislike a set. In which case, you can either walk out of the set, or express your displeasure, AFTER THE SET IS OVER, to whomsoever wishes to hear it. To express it, with little respect to the artist while he’s performing might not be such a great idea.


What we’re trying to say is this – music festivals are a community-driven experience, more than a personal one. You’re sharing it will thousands of other people simultaneously, and it’s time we stepped up to care for the consequences of our actions. Hope, it’s taken in a good way.