Austria’s body-painting festival is a vibrant cacophony of music, colours and art. And it’s happening this July.

An event that hosts some of the world’s best body-painting artists along with great international bands, this festival is a musical and aesthetic spectacle you can’t afford to miss.

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(Images Courtesy:

BPF, ‘a fusion of body and beats’, is being held on 3 to 5 July, colouring the streets of Poertschach, Austria. Their lineup features global indie acts like Gentleman, the reggae/dancehall veteran from Germany, Pineapple Express, a live electronic act from Italy, City Lights Calling, an acoustic band homegrown in Austria and many more. Check out the full lineup here.

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The WBF is nothing short of fantastic, every year – for a week in Austria, thousands of people witness the creation of ‘living, breathing, and multidimensional art. Bodypainting however, is not the only feature at the festival, throughout the weeklong festival – there are numerous artists playing on stages across the venue, workshops, competitions, and other events taking place that showcase the best use of the human body as a canvas. Beginning in 1998, the festival is now on its 17th year – and promises to be an exciting mix of artistic experimentation, fashion innovation, and musical expression while maintaining, the obvious professional aspect through the “Global Professional Bodypainting Conference” – to share, collaborate, and discuss, as well as showcase the pieces that have been created at the festival.

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Stay put for more updates about this fest and check out their official website here.