‘Tis the season of cruising to music away at sea. And if you’re up for a cruise festival experience, then here’s The Sherp guiding you to make the most of it.
From the shores of Miami to Mexico to Singapore, the next few months will be witnessing an insurgence in the number of cruise festivals, the nouveaux concepts to catch the attention of, and dominate the festival market. After all, who wouldn’t rather experience a music festival aboard a ship than on land? They make for a well-packaged travel and music experience, that any sea-lover will be most wont to take. And if you count yourself among those, then make sure you come out with an experience worth celebrating. Our list of dos and don’ts will have you sorted.
Dress for the sea
Being away at sea might have you choose your choicest sea wear, and you must by all means. But the sea is also the most active place to turn cold in the night. So a balance of beach wear with a few warm clothes would do you well.
You can be creative
One look at Holy Ship’s images and you know that cruise festivals are no excuse to do away with the creativity. So instead of saving your instincts for the Burning Mans of the world, whip out those costumes that would be more sea-friendly, and plunge right in.
(Source: Glenjamn)
Make sure to carry motion sickness medication
The problem most ravers face at cruise festivals is the sea, itself. Motion sickness and seasickness is a real problem affecting the very best of navy marines, so why not innocent festival goers, right? If you’re someone prone to falling sick at sea, you might want to carry doctor-prescribed medication for the same. Although, in a random spurt of sea-sickness, stepping away from the beam of the vessel to the centre of the deck would always help to curb your nausea. Simultaneously, stepping away from the action for a bit would do you good too.
Hydrate yourself enough
It would be ironic to suffer from dehydration when away on a cruise festival, but between all the drinks, revelry and other substances, water is often unfairly ignored. Sickness is bound to catch you a lot sooner with less water in your system.
Avoid the Titanic pose if you’re too drunk to handle
This, really needs no explanation.
But, seriously, with the accidents that have plagued cruise festivals, avoiding the beam when high would be a good idea.
Also, avoid incessant drinking
Cruise festivals might be the perfect time for some debauched abandon, but hang on. Staying drunk perpetually when on a ship may not be such a great idea. It would do you good to perhaps experience the festival without much hindering your spirit.
A cruise festival can be fun sober
Cruise Festival aren’t just festivals aboard ships. They’re also travel festivals, as most cruises leave a port to dock at another and then return for a full circle experience. Let your vagabond spirit soar with the waves, as you soak in the journey with all its spirit.
(Source: Groove Cruise Facebook)
Warm up to the cruise family
Cruise festival families are famously congenial, not to mention loyal. Attending a festival would mean automatic invitation to be part of the festival’s family. But to be a part of it, you can integrate yourself into the festival experience. Be a part of the festival community, as you forge friendships and alliances with revelling strangers not much different from yourself.
Make sure to take well-intended breaks
While cruise festivals are the end all for every sea and music lover, it would do you well to take a break or two, to indulge yourself somewhere else. This could be anything – from alighting at the next port stop for a walk around the city, or taking a much needed nap, or a stroll to the quieter areas of the ship (should you be able to find any), but anything that would offer you a break from the ongoing madness will only rejuvenate you for what lies ahead.
(Source: Glenjamn)
Let music guide you through
If music is the sole reason for you to be on the ship, be rest assured, it will shine you through in the grimmest times, should you find any. And with cruise festivals branching out from supposed electronic undertones to include metal and rock cruise festivals, you will never find one with the dearth of music you enjoy most.