Ever wanted to start your own band? Here’s a fun guide for the Average Joes on how to create your own band.
If you’re musically-inclined, you’re inevitably passionate. Starting your own band obviously requires dedication, talent, motivation, confidence and blah blah blah. But if you’re serious about making it big, here are some tips that would benefit you exponentially:
1. Brand Yourself
If you abide by the Shakespearean ‘What’s-In-A-Name’ notion, you’re headed in One Direction – the wrong one! Before doing anything, think of a cool band name which you feel can stand the test of time. It can be ironic, witty or just a bad pun. You would want to avoid preposterous band names like Anal Cunt or Natalie Portman’s Shaved Head.
2. Enhance Your Appearance
Dress like you own a chain of hotels! Be yourself, but at the same time you have to put in a little effort to be overtly fashionable. Throw on a leather jacket or wrap a stylish scarf around and your band image will be complete.
3. Find A Chick-Magnet
Hunt for ‘The Frontman’ who will attract all the ladies. Be it Adam Levine from Maroon 5 or Nick Carter from Backstreet Boys, the chicas love ogling and drooling at this particular band-member. Due to their celestial vocals and overall good-lookingness, they unpreventably become the unofficial leader of the group.
4. Fill Up Your Diary
Fans, especially teenage girls, adore the corny, mushy and sugary songs that revolve around the themes of love, heartbreak, break-ups and everything related to them. It will be wise of you to maintain a journal, pour your heart out and fundamentally complain about how rough your life is. You can never have enough of these songs, so keep at it!
5. Be A Saver
Start saving up your dough, because you will be requiring fabulous photo-shoots and legendary music videos. Being an artist, you cannot compromise on creativity. Also, adding a black & white or a sepia filter to any picture is a sure win.
6. Create Your Own Stage-Presence
In other words, have an exclusive crazy costume, your own head-banging style or some quirky move that people will identify you with. Creating your unique stage-aura with something distinct will earn you extra points!
7. Act Like You Were Born Famous
Your behavior should reveal that you’ve been there, done that. Throw on your ‘attitude face’, interrupt conversations with your phone and never seem too excited about anything. Because that’s how you get in the game, son.
8. Prepare To Be Abandoned
At some point, your band is eventually going to split, because nothing lasts forever, remember? So be prepared to pave your own solo path to stardom because you might just end up being the next Justin Timberlake. It sure sounds intimidating at first, but hey, you can always start a fast-food joint or a clothing line if you fail.
9. Nail Social Media
Ok, so social media is not only for the EDM guys. That is a myth! You’ll be surprised at how many followers you could have on a social media platform who would be eager to know when you’ll be touring their city and what you’re eating! So metamorphose into a social butterfly and keep posting!
10. Gather Groupies
Last but not the least, amass a group of your friends and family who will regularly cheer at all your shows as your ‘devoted’ fans. Make sure some of them are attractive, as they in turn would draw in some more people to watch you perform!